I believe this sky’s shade of blue is (akin to) Egyptian Blue. If so, it’s considered to be the first synthetic pigment also known to the Romans as caeruleum. But after the end of the Roman empire, how it was crafted became lost until modern times when scientists came to recreate it. I’m glad we can still see this blue—it’s said the Egyptian god Amun chose this color for his skin so that he could fly invisibly across the sky. (I know these details because I wrote about them in my current novel-in-progress before this walk with its sightings. Reality often comes to mirror my writings aka “I write my reality.”)
When Beauty Turns Illusions Into Reality
The sky's color
is illusion
on the random
shifts of
But when illusion
is lovely
will want to
make it
like the Egyptian
King of
Amun, who turned
his skin
to fly invisibly
against sunlit